Saturday, March 30, 2013

Gentoo & GK802

Hi Everyone,

i have been somewhat busy lately, but as promised i found some time yesterday to check if im gonna be able to put gentoo on my latest tiny sized PC.
Ill skip the initial omg's and wtf's and provide you with a way to easily continue my work, as it seems i have been successful;)
Below, you'll find an image of a minimal, fully functional Gentoo install.
Please note, that it does not have any X'es, nor other unimportant stuff, and it requires you to have an microSD of at least 4GB's (well, it should work also on 2GB cards as the system consumes 1,8GB, dont ask me right now why, i spent on it bout 2 hours). 2GB, apparently i miss checked it.
As of now, it consumes 1,2GB.
What i need right now is YOU to download it and give it a try, then post or pm me about bugs, possible solutions and other things that should come to my notice in order to present you with a really mature image.
Also, keep in mind that this is an HARDFP release, which means, it should be smoother in compilation times, but it is possible for the graphic libraries not to work. Right now i dunno if they gonna work or no.

Next and foremost - credits ;)
All credits go to the armtvtech forum users: JAS HACKS - for providing me and all of you with a working kernel and uboot, and also for DEADHP, for his work with the ubuntu image and the community, and to the PPl at for their work on gentoo/arm for the i.mx515 and available stages.

Having this said, here comes the fun.

1. Download the image from my gd

2. Prepare your microsd (copy important data, delete all partitions)
3. DD the gzipped image to the card.
4. Resize using fdisk/resize2fs, fsck-f
5. Put the card into gk802
6. Profit ;)

Username root, password toor.

My next goal is to include a working DE with more detailed install instructions for those of you not familiar with some linux commands. I will consider releasing a second, SOFTFP image, for better compatibility.

Before requesting anything, please consider:
i do not have any uart console. Also my time is somewhat limited, and i have other things to attend to;)
Feel free to share all of your opinions and insights, ill read them all and respond if and when possible.
Oh, and happy Easter!


  1. Forgot to mention, you gotta do a hw cooling mod! Ill show an example in my next post.

  2. Well, since i had little to no time lately, i will write an updated post next month or so. There have been many improvements since, both to file system config, custom repository and hardfloat gpu binaries.
    You can find some news on armtvtech.
    Also, link to the repository mentioned above:
